Congratulations to the 2021 winners of the George Vest/Richard Pepper Scholarships--Mackenzie Lind and Rebecca Janovsky
Dresden Lock and Dam - UBC Diver Project
Connor Keating, son of Carpenter Local 174 member James Keating, received the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters' "Ted Kenney - George Vest Memorial Scholarship".
2020 Turtle Soup Kitchen Committee!
The Kitchen Committee celebrated their 45th annual Turtle Soup meeting in February.
Carpenters Volunteer To Erect Memorial Pavillion For A Friend Of All Organized Labor, Sheriff Terry Marketti
We Want To Hear From You!
If you have appropriate, carpenter-centric pictures you’d like to share, please forward them and a brief description to When taking photos with a phone, be sure to take them in landscape orientation as they will more efficiently integrate on the website.